ARTURO : Augmented RealiTy Unilateral RehabilitatiOn


Scientific studies show that 50-80% of people who undergo amputation develop severe pain they locate in the amputated limb: it is called phantom pain. There is a type of therapy in which the patient uses a mirror to have the illusion of viewing the amputated limb when in reality he observes the reflection of the healthy limb. However, the use of a physical mirror makes the less realistic overall illusion. Based on this observation, we have developed an augmented reality system based on images provided by RGB+d camera. From these images, we construct a textured mesh that displays a realistic 3D image of the patient, in stereovision on a 3D TV or in an immersion helmet. We are making a real-time monitoring of the central position of the patient's body and we use it to apply a mirror effect. With this, the patient has the illusion of having two arms again. With an implementation designed for the graphics card (GPU), our application works in real time. The aim of the Arturo project is to create a spin-off company for that application.

Period of research activity : 2015-2017

Updated on January 7, 2022