Everywhere Imagery Care with Handheld and Open (EICHO)


echOpen is an open and collaborative project, led by a multidisciplinary community of experts and senior professionals joined by makers and Fablabs members with the goal of developing the very first low-cost and open source ultrasound probe connecting to any smartphone device. This probe is the stethoscope of our modern mes. This initiative allows radical transformation of clinics by enabling universal access diagnosis orientation in hospitals, community medicine and medically undeserved areas, in southern and northern countries. With the support of a wide academic ecosystem, including APHP and many research centers and universities, institutional foundations, and a large multidisciplinary open community, the project headquartered at Hotel Dieu hospital in Paris, has succeeded in September 2017 in developing a functional prototype displaying the first Open Source medical quality ultrasound image. This was released with a full open source documentation. echOpen is now heading to industrialization.


Period of research activity : 2019-2021
Updated on January 7, 2022